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An X-ray of ABIM’s arrogance, show of power and disregard for physicians


On May 9, 2016 ABIM, through counsel Rivera Soto , of Ballard Spahr ,serves upon Dr Salas Rushford a Notice of Deposition for May 31, 2016, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, when they filed the suit in Newark, New Jersey. One of the worst if not the worst travel weekends, expensive airfare and disregarding that Dr Salas Rushford, works, resides, and cares for patients in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Demonstrating a total and complete indifference for his professional obligations and obviously again a clear showing that ABIM has no respect, no regard for the good working doctors and most importantly for the patients.

ABIM should be protecting and defending the legitimate concerns of practicing physicians. Dr Baron has had to plea and plea for MOC and demand, demand until now “we got it wrong” as stated by ABIM.

Yes, they keep getting it wrong and this case against Dr Salas Rushford has cost and is costing physicians literally hundreds of thousands of dollars. This case is the perfect example of strangulation of those that don’t render homage to ABIM’s established money making, controlling, rich living and drawing from the good working physicians who have seen their income reducing steadily in the past years.

Dr Salas Rushford's case is the perfect example of how ABIM uses our hard earned money, that all of us then must pay them, to strong-arm physicians. The bigger the ABIM gets the more it uses its money to intimidate, oppress and impose themselves on us. We are feeding the fire.

ABIM must be held accountable for their illegal and political tactics to control our profession,a noble one. They have orchestrated a plan that is clear in its objectives and again" they have it wrong".


Notice of Deposition Dr Salas Rushford

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